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Wisdom, Worship, and Wealth

Wisdom, Worship, and Wealth

Author : N. Epps
Imprint :PENDIUM
ISBN :978-1-936513-14-7
Language :English
Dimensions :5.5 x 8.5


The question of how we move from revelation (getting an idea, concept, or some insight from God) to manifestation (seeing it happen) is a question that is on the hearts of many Christians, primarily because many are not getting the full manifestation of what they’ve prayed. Many are even debating whether or not the promises of God in their fullness are available to all Christians. Wisdom, Worship, and Wealth seeks to address this question and calm all debate, because God’s promises are available to all of His children. However, believers must learn how to access what has already been given. God says in 1Timothy 6:17 … Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Our Father wants us to have riches of every kind, but we must be ready to use it for His glory. So, He moves us from Wisdom, through Worship, into Wealth. New believers will see these concepts as a road map. Seasoned, successful believers will say, “That’s how I did it!”.

My vocational background is therapeutic counseling, and my personal background is long time believer in God, who is the main focus of my book. I know that the revelation for the book came directly from Him. The insights that I've gained as a believer are what I've poured out into these pages, and my perspective as a counselor/therapist is what causes me to break down the concepts so anybody can understand.


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